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Happy Learn What Your Name Means Day!

  • By Victoria Castillo

Happy Learn What Your Name Means Day!

Happy Learn What Your Name Means Day
That's right, today is Learn What Your Name Means Day...but what does that in itself mean? 
Well, according to the internet...
"Learn What Your Name Means Day" is celebrated annually on the Wednesday in the first full week of March and is a part of "Celebrate Your Name Week".

We are encouraged to dig deeper into the origins of our name and figure out the meaning behind it. (More info on it HERE!) 

For example, my name is Victoria, and literally translated (my family is Latinx and speak Spanish) means "Victory", but when I asked my mom the story about why she chose to name me Victoria, she said that I was named after her elementary school teacher who loved to sing and had a beautiful voice.
(In case you're wondering, no I did not inherit that singing talent unfortuantly.) 
That got me thinking, do you know the history of why EC was named Espionage Cosmetics?
Let us travel back in time, to the wonderful year of 2010, when our very own CEO & Glitter Jedi Jaimie Cordero was still a young Glitter Padawan. 
One fine day, after a deep dive on the internet which included watching indie makeup accounts, researching FDA regulations, what she needed to do to turn an office into a clean room, and so much more, she received a call from her Co-Founder Sandra. After Sandra asked what had been up to all-day Jaimie regaled her about the multiple rabbit holes she traveled through to obtain her sacred knowledge.  After taking all that in, Sandra replied to all that by saying that it sounded like she did a whole lot of espionage. 
That's when Jaimie replied, That's it! That's our name!" 
And the rest has been glitter history! 
So in honor of Learn What Your Name Means Day, what is the meaning/history of your name? 
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