✨Greetings Nerd Manicure Enthusiasts!✨
One of the most frequently asked questions we get from you is if our nail wraps require any sort of top coat. The cool thing is, you really don't have to, but the addition to a top coat can extend the life of your Nerd Manicure for up to two weeks!
⬆️⬆️⬆️(✨🥚EASTER EGG🥚✨: That is the one and only Ashley Johnson with the Baker Street Nail Wraps while on set with us! Check it out the BTS here!) ⬆️⬆️⬆️
In our trial and error, we actually found that when it comes to our nail wraps, not every top coat brand is created equally and in fact, some may actually damage your manicure before you’ve had the chance to really enjoy your nail art.
That being said, we’ve compiled a list of brands of top coats we’ve found to work well with the wraps, and a few that actually hinder their longevity.
⬇️⬇️✨Nerd Misfit Approved ✨⬇️⬇️

As for the few that we didn't have the best of luck with, they are still great top coats, but not for our nail wraps specifically. We are in no way saying they're not good, just not in this application:
China Glaze Fast Forward Top Coat, INM Out the Door Fast Drying Top Coat, Julep Freedom Polymer Top Coat, Revlon Extra Life No Chip Top Coat, Revlon Quick Dry Top Coat, Rimmel Lasting Finish Pro Base & Top Coat. Sally Hansen Ultimate Shield Base & Top Coat, Seche Vite Dry Fast Top Coat, Essie No Chips Ahead.
Have you tried a top coat not on this list on your Nerd Manicure? How did you like it? We'd love to hear your thoughts and add them on here!
Until Next Time,