Seattle Met: Bold and Brainy Beauty with Espionage Cosmetics - Espionage Cosmetics

Seattle Met: Bold and Brainy Beauty with Espionage Cosmetics

By catering to the geek, this Washington brand is absolutely the coolest.


Espionage Cosmetics has some of the brightest, coolest stuff we’ve seen, and we’ve seen it all, people. The Seattle/Tacoma beauty brand just turned five; it all began in 2011 when a pro makeup artist and an active duty Marine discovered their shared passion for cosplay, comic books, pop culture and makeup. We checked in to see what’s happening at their Geek Boutique, what the favorites are and what’s new.

We saw that you killed it at Emerald City Comicon, how’d it go?

Emerald City Comicon was fantastic! Our team has a booth there every year and each experience is progressively more and more awesome. Since it’s a city hop away from our current location of operations, we get to continue enriching our relationships with existing customers face-to-face.

Your brand is “for nerds, by nerds”–how has catering to a specific clientele helped to shape your cosmetics? How did it get started?

When it comes to geek culture, a sense of community is huge and that’s where we come in. There are nerd girls like us that love to geek out over nerdy things, but at the same time want to rock glitter and winged liner.

By creating a niche brand, we’re bringing makeup to a level that’s accessible to everyone by combining passions and interests with the product. So that’s where it all started: we saw a void that needed to be filled, and we stepped up to make it happen. By relating to our customers, we provide high quality, affordable makeup and nail art on top of killer customer service. 

Read more of Seattle Met's Bold and Brainy Beauty with Espionage Cosmetics.