Last month, we introduced the new template which includes 22 wraps with 11 varying sizes for each hand and made the announcement in a blog post. We monitored the comments that came in and there were several members of the #GlitterArmy that were concerned with the elimination of the largest thumb size from the original template design: 17.5 mm.
To keep the long story short and sweet, the Nerd Misfits of Espionage Cosmetics made a happy discovery when applying nail wraps the other day...
The large thumb size?
It's still there. Yeah.
We provided a range of sizes in the announcement blog post, but it turns out there's hardly any difference between the largest thumb in the original template design and the new template design!
See photo below of "Literary" (from 22 wrap template) laying over largest size of original nail wrap template.
Also! If you missed this bit of information... The nail wraps are perforated so you can use either side of the nail wrap. W00T.
Feel free to leave a comment if you have any questions. A Nerd Misfit will be in touch. <3
You can shop the NEW 22 WRAPS here.